To answer this question comprehensively, one has to ask - which "we" are we talking about? This is the crux of the issue. The identity "I" apparently has a range of expression.
As the Third Mind, this is potentiality.
As the Second Mind, we (the Second Mind) is apparently creating the world because the world is made of the Second Mind, just as the world in a dream is made entirely of the dreaming mind.
As the First Mind is engaged more, we become partial creators and partial interpreters of the world. We feel we are creating (and we are) yet it also appears that most of this is not our creation because we are looking from the First Mind perspective. We have ideas, we team with people, we make those ideas "real" in the world through conversations, programs, structures, and physicalization. It may look mundane; it's magical.
As the First Mind further sets in, the sense of interpreting and creating is lost because there is a barrier separating "mind" from "world". Mind and world appear fundamentally different. The world feels independently real, external, and imposing. There is little access to the awareness that an interpretation is happening.
Aloha thank you for the response .
I will gather that the second mind is the mind that is aware of its operant power of creations , and as it is aware of this it superseded the first mind and pays it little attention.
the second mind can be considered the subconscious?
Or the ability to recognize this awareness of the second mind as operant
the first mind is conditioned and is primarily reactionary
while the second mind is of action , it is tat tvam asi
The third mind is moksha ? Cosmic possibility, endless potentially without local identity
non local
Raman Maharishi was in the third mind as well as Ramakrishna ( who would contrast the 2nd mind…